CS Dreamcatching

I've been sitting on the idea of designing  a dream catcher out of our company logo. To me it was a cool idea because the aesthetics of our logo lends itself  to the intricate weaving details of a dream catcher.

I was inspired to design this way back when I saw the "TED talk" of Elizabeth Gillbert speaking about her book  "Eat, Pray, Love" and the ways she stays inspired. The TED talk left an lasting impression when Elizabeth told the story of Ruth Stone. When an idea comes to Ruth she would feel or hear it coming, she then immediately would run like hell to catch the idea into some notes. Other times the idea would barrel through her and continue in the landscape looking for another creative. I'm sure we all have experienced this phenomenon once or twice in our lives, and idea comes to us and we do nothing about it and the next thing we know someone out there has executed it.

The CS Dreamcatcher is a graphic tribute for us to constantly hold onto our dreams and ideas. To be diligent and effective, to execute accordingly and never push or ignore  our genius aside.

here is the video: