As an industrial designer I'm forced to live one life, and one life only; a highly sacrificial one. I spend my days chiseling away chunks of my brain in hopes of revealing a smarter future by designing products and experiences that impact how we will live five to ten years down the road; So while you're enjoying your iPhone 4, we designers are out creating the 6! Simple task? No. Bruised brain? Yes, but I'm willing to trade anything for a little CreativeSession love!
This project however, is the total opposite. I see it as an escape from the daily mind grind. It's always nice to be able to sit back, put A-1 on the tracks, and rock out a quick mindless illustration for the pure love of art.
After cruising Coroflot for a few hours I was crazily inspired by some of Jan Bujnak's work which led me to the illustration of these boots! Enjoy!
More shots can be found here!
Thanks for looking! And remember to join our fbook fan site! :) -B