Good Listening: Big Krit "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

We've been jamming Big Krit for a long time now, Krit's a natural lyricist, he touches you through his life experience and does a great job at putting his emotions into music. One of our favorites from Krit is: The video is conceptually shot so cool, and the lyrics have a ton of embedded wisdom.


Tre Redeau Intro

So I've been working with Portland based rapper Tre Redeau commonly known as Blazé for sometime now. Tre wanted an intro for his music videos but also a clean easy to read logo. I finally finished the animation last night  and am excited to show it to him. Check out the short 12 second clip.

Good Listening: Bondax Gold

Bondax is a music group made up of two guys from Lancaster Britain name Adam and George. check em out. This is the original off of Bondax SoundCloud

and if youre looking to party check out the snakehips version: