Another hot track from our good friend Adam aka A1
Discovery in Experimentation
Recently we were approached with a potentially lucrative project & business opportunity. Lets just say its something as demanding as cake sales on birthday anniversaries. Always guaranteed right? Our initial thought was to design everything in house and outsource what we aren't able to-- to an expert. Typical Creative Session thought process, right?
What started as a night of prototyping, spontaneously turned into a bunch of grown ass men geeking out over materials. Instead of properly prototyping what we needed, we designed products that the materials could potentially become. Wallets, Key Chains, Sweaters, Aprons, Hats ect. Spontaneity is what drives Creative Session and we love it. You're never restricted by deadlines or boundaries, and are able to design freely. (Best mindset to be creative in.)
The best part of the night was that we generated many more ideas than we had anticipated just by taking the initiative in prototyping one single idea; therein lies the beauty of discovering new ideas through experimenting.
Good Listening: Dizzy Wright "Fly High"
Happy humpday everyone here's a good laid back record with a super fly hook!!!!!
"I know I might sound crazy, but I love what life done gave me...."
Audi is listening
As artists and designers we're fueled by passion and run on love. We have a strong desire to create meaningful things that make life worth living. But it's also human nature to tread carefully, and wonder if our work is worth doing, is anyone listening, does anyone care? Today something major happened, we received Audi's nod of approval. It's humbling and a great confirmation to keep pushing on! :)
Spent sometime after work knocking out a pair of Nixon headphones. These quick exercises are doctor recommended in keeping your skills fresh and relevant. I know most of us designers spend all damn day in front of our computers whipping up awesome designs. The last thing we want to do is come home and sit back in front of another monitor and re-up. I've had this idea for a pair of headphones with all its connecting mechanics removed between the cans and the band. Only connected through a magnetic plate and a simple customizable metal band, allowing the user to adjust through friction and band tension. The concept is to consider the manufacturing process, by deleting the connecting mechanics and replacing it with a magnetic bridge we're saving $$$ and engineering cost.
Here is a quick rendering I did- Stay tuned for full TUTORIAL on how I rendered this in Keyshot then post editing in Photoshop.
Good Listening: Daft Punk Pharrell "GET LUCKY"
All I want to do is dance all night to this song. Who gives a %$#@ if I get LUCKY. Happy Friday Ya'll
Keep your eyes, mind and heart open
This quote has many meanings but to me it's about life experiences. I must admit I'm as guilty as anyone when it comes to judging things before truly experiencing them. Here's a reminder for us all to keep our eyes, mind and heart open to the world we've yet to experience. Don't let great people and opportunities pass by because we weren't ready to open up and learn. Live, learn and experience more, it'll make our designs that much better! :)
four two zero @dolores
Random doodles - Practice makes perfect
Good Listening: Toussaint Morrison Baby, I'm Bad Weather
The Shoemaker
I love the way this video is shot, I've been a student of film for the last few years. There is this beauty in capturing everything in motion but the best part is editing the footage capture. I find it so therapeutic sitting in front of a computer screen chopping and cutting videos together.
My friend use to come call me to go to the beach, my father would say "go on he's gotta work....."
The Shoemaker from Dustin Cohen on Vimeo.
10-min doodles - Time pieces and things
A little nature time
Good Listening: "Majestic" Mr Carmack Crash
Ingo Schuppler : Schwarzes Gold
From sketch to vinyl
Good Listening: Ben L'Oncle Soul "Soulman"
I really like the way this video is shot. Excuse the French.
Updated my PORTFOLIO
Finally got around to editing the photos I took of the Kindle Touch, Fire and Lighted Book Cover I designed @ my day job Lab126. Check it out on my COROFLOT