
Meet Bentley, he's a friendly, soft spoken, adorable young pup. He is surprisingly well behaved at 4 months old and listens to orders well. Bentley is the latest addition to the CS fam.

Good Listening: B.Lewis "Revised Interpretations Vol1"

Keith (bakerson) put me onto B.Lewis's music with the "See-Saw Kids" album, you can check it out here. B.Lewis's music is a combination of melody, hip hop, soul & electronic experimentation. Great music to cruise around town with or bang it on your stereo at the design studio. (that's what im doing now.)

Here is my latest infatuation from B.Lewis  "Revised Interpretations Vol 1" --


Thanks to the gods and goddesses of "MENS HEALTH" we are healthy and well. But if one day due to horrible luck, depletion of good karma-tic points, or simply bad weather, we catch a cold, programs & events such as Movember are available. So let the donations begin.

Please support Movember : TEAM CREATIVE SESSION and donateHERE

creating digi woven cables!

We have a CRAZY project in the works that we're DYING to show you all, but it's best if we keep it under wraps for now. Anywho, it requires creating woven cables. Bare with us, this is our first time creating fabric weaves from scratch!  

These first two images are for inspiration, what we wish to create. creativesession design woven knit cable

creativesession woven knit weave


What you see here is a pattern we created on Illustrator and a very rough CAD and rendering! Slowly getting there! creativesession woven knit weave

creativesession woven knit weave


Driving in and around downtown SF is probably not a good idea today, wearing anything other than black and orange, probably not either, Tigers jersey not a good idea also. Photos of the excitement and chaos:



Congratulations to the GIANTS, they went hard and SWEPT the World Series Title!

Shocker lifestyle

"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet."  -- Plato

Passion, inspiration, & ambition are attributes that drive us in doing the things we love. Unconditional effort to achieve more, to want more; is my main vehicle moving forward in life.

In light of National Breast Cancer Awareness month we're showing love with a design that literally spells out "Love", and what better way to spell it than some caring hand gestures.


Last week on a ride home I thought of my friend Dennis Truong's brand Shocker Lifestyle. His brand lends itself to really interesting graphic hand gestures. The best part is- for both of us, the common goal is success. Our tickets are booked, we're traveling at a different pace, but our journey will come with many blessings.  We're all creating our own movements in hope that our ripples turn into waves.  It's all because of Love that drives us forward, and this very word LOVE is what I thought will be perfect in designing what you will see here:


 (thanks for the package Dennis.)

(reminds me of the plaques that come with Lids hats.)



CS Dreamcatching

I've been sitting on the idea of designing  a dream catcher out of our company logo. To me it was a cool idea because the aesthetics of our logo lends itself  to the intricate weaving details of a dream catcher.

I was inspired to design this way back when I saw the "TED talk" of Elizabeth Gillbert speaking about her book  "Eat, Pray, Love" and the ways she stays inspired. The TED talk left an lasting impression when Elizabeth told the story of Ruth Stone. When an idea comes to Ruth she would feel or hear it coming, she then immediately would run like hell to catch the idea into some notes. Other times the idea would barrel through her and continue in the landscape looking for another creative. I'm sure we all have experienced this phenomenon once or twice in our lives, and idea comes to us and we do nothing about it and the next thing we know someone out there has executed it.

The CS Dreamcatcher is a graphic tribute for us to constantly hold onto our dreams and ideas. To be diligent and effective, to execute accordingly and never push or ignore  our genius aside.

here is the video:

1st Annual Pumpkin Carving Party

Its official this will be our first Creative Session pumpkin carving party. Best of show wins Creative Session swag, let the games begin. May the odds ever be in your favor hahaha. Also we are celebrating our Animation/Video guru's birthday. Chris Rivera


Tre Redeau Ideation

Our homie formerly known by rap name Blazē is rebranding himself and we're redesigning his logo. Blazē will now go by his full name Trē Redēau and we're currently brainstorming unique logo options. Click on the image below to sneak peak what we currently have.

Mama, we sorta made it!

After a few long weeks of waiting and voting... results are in! From 365 designs we made top 40! From 40 we short listed to 5! Thanks again for all the love and support from the community, HONESTLY we would not have made it without you! project runway hp design creativesession competition