Keep your eyes, mind and heart open

This quote has many meanings but to me it's about life experiences. I must admit I'm as guilty as anyone when it comes to judging things before truly experiencing them. Here's a reminder for us all to keep our eyes, mind and heart open to the world we've yet to experience. Don't let great people and opportunities pass by because we weren't ready to open up and learn. Live, learn and experience more, it'll make our designs that much better! :)

four two zero @dolores

A quick break from the studio in celebration of four-twenty. No worries we kept it real legal, here at CS we drug test the crew on the daily. 22







The Shoemaker

I love the way this video is shot, I've been a student of film for the last few years. There is this beauty in capturing everything in motion but the best part is editing the footage capture. I find it so therapeutic sitting in front of a computer screen chopping and cutting videos together.

My friend use to come call me to go to the beach, my father would say "go on he's gotta work....."

The Shoemaker from Dustin Cohen on Vimeo.

A little nature time

With a daytime and a night time gig we seriously work 25/7! After an extra long week, a little nature time with the pups was definitely necessary! A few quick shots from this weekend. 0









From sketch to vinyl

A little graphic piece I knocked out a little while back, finally getting around to finishing it up. We're thinking of getting vinyl stickers and prints done! Stay tuned. AM3




Updated my PORTFOLIO

Finally got around to editing the photos I took of the Kindle Touch, Fire and Lighted Book Cover I designed @ my day job Lab126. Check it out on my COROFLOT CreativeSession_HoangMNguyen_KindleHD



A few long nights and a couple eye exams later, the earn your stripes v.2 is near completion! Prints & gear coming soon! EARN_STRIPES_V2

Rock Paper Kicks

So if you have been keeping up with our blog you'll have noticed an excerpt, on Jennifer the talented PaperSmith, that I posted about a week ago. Well we've been working on branding for her company called "Rock Paper Kicks", I managed to spend a bit of time this past weekend sketching out various ideas. Here's a rough glimpse into my sketchbook and illustrator work. I personally love the earlier stages of my design process because I get to design-vomit all over the place before we dial in the details. rpk_creativesession_rockpaperkicks2_


Jennifer Aquino the "PaperSmith"

Its amazing how social media has changed the platform in meeting people. More specifically it sped up our rate in discovering and sharing. Jennifer Aquino is one of those people I stumbled upon and continue to follow her craft. She is what I dubbed the "PaperSmith" (instagram:jboogs317)

(Bellow are few photos Jennifer shared with me.)


As most of you know my brother and I are a bit crazy about sneakers so imagine how excited we were to find someone working with paper as a medium. Jennifer does an incredible job at working in a structural and 3dimensional way, unlike origami she seems to have the mindset of a seamstress and an engineer as she tackles each paper project.


As a creative I know what it's like to be driven by passion and finding inspiration in everything. As ambiguous as everything is, you always will find a way to apply it back into your craft. For Jennifer she finds inspiration all around her, whether it is music, movies or cruising the aisle at Bed, Bath & Beyond. You can imagine exactly how Bed, Bath & Beyond of sorts is a supply store for her. Think about the variety of texture, materials and randomness you may find when your mindset is in search for interesting paper for the next paper shoe.

Jennifer claims as geeky as it may be, when working on some Jordan Concord's she was out shopping for a friends gift. The gift bag she bought had the perfect texture for her project so she bought 50 more. Now that's passion.


10 Virtues for the Modern Age - Alain de Botton

I stumbled upon this manifesto earlier today on a buddy's Instagram! I find this list extremely relevant to life as well as design. It's a quick read, enjoy! 1. Resilience. Keeping going even when things are looking dark; accepting that reversals are normal; remembering that human nature is, in the end, tough. Not frightening others with your fears.

2. Empathy. The capacity to connect imaginatively with the sufferings and unique experiences of another person. The courage to become someone else and look back at yourself with honesty.

3. Patience. We lose our temper because we believe that things should be perfect. We've grown so good in some areas (putting men on the moon etc.), we're ever less able to deal with things that still insist on going wrong; like traffic, government, other people... We should grow calmer and more forgiving by getting more realistic about how things actually tend to go.

4. Sacrifice. We’re hardwired to seek our own advantage but also have a miraculous ability, very occasionally, to forego our own satisfactions in the name of someone or something else. We won't ever manage to raise a family, love someone else or save the planet if we don't keep up with the art of sacrifice.

5. Politeness. Politeness has a bad name. We often assume it's about being 'fake' (which is meant to be bad) as opposed to 'really ourselves' (which is meant to be good). However, given what we're really like deep down, we should spare others too much exposure to our deeper selves. We need to learn manners, which aren’t evil - they are the necessary internal rules of civilisation. Politeness is very linked to tolerance, the capacity to live alongside people whom one will never agree with, but at the same time, can’t avoid.

6. Humour. Seeing the funny sides of situations and of oneself doesn't sound very serious, but it is integral to wisdom, because it's a sign that one is able to put a benevolent finger on the gap between what we want to happen and what life can actually provide; what we dream of being and what we actually are, what we hope other people will be like and what they are actually like. Like anger, humour springs from disappointment, but it's disappointment optimally channelled. It's one of the best things we can do with our sadness.

7. Self-awareness. To know oneself is to try not to blame others for one's troubles and moods; to have a sense of what's going on inside oneself, and what actually belongs to the world.

8. Forgiveness. Forgiveness means a long memory of all the times when we wouldn't have got through life without someone cutting us some slack. It's recognising that living with others isn't possible without excusing errors.

9. Hope. The way the world is now is only a pale shadow of what it could one day be. We're still only at the beginning of history. As you get older, despair becomes far easier, almost reflex (whereas in adolescence, it was still cool and adventurous). Pessimism isn't necessarily deep, nor optimism shallow.

10. Confidence. The greatest projects and schemes die for no grander reasons than that we don't dare. Confidence isn't arrogance, it's based on a constant awareness of how short life is and how little we ultimately lose from risking everything.