Power of Habit

So i"ve been briefly reading this book and started searching up videos that are related. We all have distinctive habits that are hard to kick. This book is about the power in changing your habits. I believe we can abstractly take the info and apply it in design thinking - the results could be innovative. Check "The Power of Habit" By Charles Duhigg.

Unlock your sixth sense: Think smarter not harder

[image_left src=""]Dr Carl Jung, one of the fathers of modern psychoanalysis, described intuition as the ability to anticipate change and to see possibilities inherent in a situation. It is also the magic ingredient in new ideas and inventions. Intuition and creativity are part of our biological make-up going back thousands of years. Archeologists have uncovered findings that prove our caveman ancestors possessed these abilities to “know something spontaneously, without the conscious use of reasoning”. READ MORE HERE

HK & Shanghai Bound

So it has been decided tickets are placed I'm headed straight to Hong Kong (shenzhen) then Shanghai for work. The last time I was there met up with my good friend ED NG. We didn't get to' kick it for long but for the most part we made good memories ! Here's a photo we took a few months back when we had a few beers at my hotel. The stair case was gnarly! Literally felt like a Vegas hotel. CHECK OUT ED's "Here&Now" Tumblr


I've had this idea in the back of my mind for about a week or so. Sketched a few napkin sketches  but never really got serious. Today made some free time to CAD out the idea. Here is a teaser.


I've been meaning to make sometime to design a 10 second branding video that we can use at the beginning of all our videos. Finally sat down and sketched a really simple idea. The concept is to capture our passion for sketching and how sketching can lead to design opportunity, hence the ding sound effect at the end. Let me know what you guys think.

Free Work Free Excercise

Sometimes doing free work allow you to be less self conscious about your design, let the ego down and have fun. [dropcap_2]My[/dropcap_2] long time friend Amy reached out to me the other day asking if I could design her 2012 softball team's jersey. They're called the "Banana Sluggers" and them fuggers are  a damn good team. So why not make it official with a well designed jersey.

Most years they get by with “Banana Sluggers” spelled in front a number on the back then names and sponsor carefully placed. They’ve never really had a logo so I thought maybe I should take a stab at it since it has become and annual thing for them. While Amy described the team my brain had already started crunching ideas.




The first thing that came to mind immediately was the peeled banana revealing a baseball bat! — I thought i’d run with that cause it’s honestly pretty clever. I wanted to add a silhouette of a softball behind the crossed bat but quickly realized it’s not going to be successful. The next thought was the baseball diamond and I think that is more successful.

Amy spoke a bit more about the team and the sponsors. Beaver Engraving and Suki Bar & Grill. My final thought was that we should keep the crossed bat with the baseball diamond as the base then add sponsors into the mix with each year as the sponsors change.

This year Beaver and Suki are added and this is result.


Keep in mind the design should be a two color print using vinyl. If there were no requirements I would want to add more detail to the beaver.

That NEW OLD penny skateboard

Remember these? creative session neon penny skate


Well we've picked one up for the office. This thing is fast and zippy, I"m sure the updated board has better bushings and the barring are a lot smoother then what you bought back in the 70's but this board is small light and super fun to skate around town in.


They have so many color ways! http://www.pennyskateboards.com/home.html#!prettyPhoto


"All things BEGETs itself."

Although the waves weren't that perfect today I had an awesome time talking to this guy; Kenny Jones or Kenny Heartwright because he spends a big percentage of his time thinking/writing about philosophy of the heart. (he showed me a rock he found in the shape of a heart.) The energy you put out is the energy you receive back from the world.  Kenny mentioned he's found many heart shaped souvenirs in nature for awhile now.  I can believe THIS.

The highlights of our conversation is when he said "Thanks for putting me in CHECK." I asked what do you mean? He replied that when he approaches someone and they ask how he is doing ? He replies with one of two things. "I am either doing really well" or "Thank You" - When I say Thank You I am checking my self. Kenny feels we don't spend enough time checking in with our selves and that most of the time we are frazzled with an  "I am OK"  cause we  are caught in a robotic routine that most of us are familiar with. I agree with Kenny and advice that we spend some time checking in with our selves, take the time to recap on where we currently are and what we want to do in the future. Have a plan but live in the moment we are often overwhelmed with milestones and checkpoints that we put happiness in the back seat cause we are constantly trying to achieve and not celebrating whats ACHIEVED.

Serendipitously I picked up a good analogy as I head into the ocean. I mentioned I really enjoy being out here alone although the beach is filled with surfer being alone in my own thoughts and feeling belittled by this massive ocean really re corrects me. It therapeutic and a great way to reset my self. Kenny continued with it's like a BEST FRIEND- really good friends bring out the best in you and each time you head to the ocean it's like have a date with your best friend. "It  brings out the best in you and your thoughts like a best friend should."

In the end everything begets it self. We had a conversation- this act Begot our friendship but the many great things we talked about begets more thoughts in my mind.




I.D Magazine feature.

Serendipity is an old project but it's always fun to get featured right.! Here we go ID magazine. ID magazine Serendipity Creative Session

--Marianne Williamson

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Apply this to Design Thinking.

"The problem with hoarding is you end up living off your reserves. Eventually you'll become stale. If you give away everything you have, you are left with nothing. This forces you to look, to be aware, to replenish."

"Good Quotes"

We are what we constantly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.

-- Aristotle

You're staring at sneaker culture.

A few weeks ago i made a trip up to Portland Oregon to connect with my roots, it was brief but quite productive. The little time i had was cautiously distributed between the lady, family, friends and of course Nike. The second day into my trip I met the footwear design legend, Tinker Hatfield. The meeting was brief but definitely MAGICAL. We spoke about our collaborations in the present and past, as well our backgrounds and interest! He's probably one of the most humble and highly respectable figures in the design world! This is the man who defined sneaker culture world wide, the reason you see tents in front of sneaker stores in the middle of NYC... filled with kids awaiting a Jordan release. You're staring at the guy who designed Jordan's 3-15, and some of the hottest AirMax's around!

jordan concord tinker nike hatfield design

jordan tinker hatfield design nike

nike jordan tinker hatfield design

jordan nike design tinker hatfield