Digital. Nuanced. Essential. Industrial Design in the Modern World.

There are a lot of misconceptions about what Anh and I do as a team. Creative Session is a large part an industrial design collective that have a knack for graphics. For those whom are familiar with industrial design let me not explain more, for those that are not familiar with industrial design FROG DESIGN made a really effective video about industrial design status quo. Enjoy

Particle Play

I've been toying around with this plug-in called Pluxus 2. I must admit before learning about plexus I was animating particles per dot. What a bummer that I didn't find out about this sooner. Anyway hoping to be good enough to apply to it in an upcoming is a sample video:


It’s just that simple. As humans, it is in our nature to tap into our pool of knowledge as we try to familiarize ourselves with new experiences. I’ve never snow boarded, but I’ve skated. I won’t use Instagram cause I’m a professional photographer.

It is this type of thinking that prevents us from any kind of progression.

Yes, snowboarding and skating are within the board family, but offer totally different experiences. And while you’re a professional photographer what’s wrong with opening up to a new platform, if not to learn, a little exposure will only add growth to your brand.

We must remember that learning doesn’t end when school ends, it ends when we end. The person who knows everything, will not listen to anything. Therefore they know nothing.

The key is to shut the fuck up and soak with an open mind. You’ll either learn what not to do next time, or what you should have been doing your whole life.

I’d like to leave you with this quote:

“Listen carefully. Every collaborator who enters our orbit brings with him or her a world more strange and complex than any we could ever hope to imagine. By listening to the details and the subtlety of their needs, desires, or ambitions, we fold their world onto our own. Neither party will ever be the same.”




Huy(wee) Pham is that "GUY" He's the friend you have that is always doing something super inspirational and cool. Each time I see him he's progressively grown like 20% more cooler. Its gotten to the point that I expect huge things coming from him time and time again. Huy is an ecstatic man, music connoisseur, rad DJ, entrepreneur and probably one of the coolest dancers you'll ever meet- I'm glad to be his friend.

He's coming to the San Francisco this weekend after finishing his first "DEEP" tour in Seattle WA. All you party people come out to support. I mean awesome dancing and great music why not?


So we've been entertaining the idea of buying a travel JIB to add more dynamic shots to your videos. Last week I pulled the trigger on an affordable 4ft JIB adding to our quiver of modular video equipment.

Today the JIB arrived, I'm not going to do a full review on this guy but here are some photos and a quick video I put together using the JIB.




Rock Paper Kick

I'm attaching some quick screen captures of a custom shirt for Rock Paper Kicks. What you're looking at here is the final logo chosen by RPK masking sneakers. Look out for the full posting under our PORTFOLIO section. Enjoy for now. _rpk_rockpaperkicks_shirtdetail


Graduation Season

The following months unfolding ahead of us will mark one of the biggest achievements academically for a large number of graduates. Whether high school or college - I'd like to congratulate everyone walking that aisle. I remember clearly the excitement, fear, anxiousness and all the unknowns going through my head. All the uncertainties at the time have now become a fear of the past, thanks to the commencement speech given by Steve Jobs at Stanford's class of 2005 graduation. Although given years ago, I find the things he says here are very relevant today. Moving forward after graduation I'd like you all to continue to think about these words given by Jobs: "It was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college, but it was very- very clear looking back 10 years later. Again you can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future, you have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma whatever. Cause believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even if it leads you off the well worn path and that will make all the difference.

Congratulations AGAIN. Be optimistic and excited for the future.

legends are made, not born

I ran by this pretty epic NBA commercial and found it extremely relevant to all things passion related. It's nothing short of eye candy for hardcore ballers, a mash-up video throwing all NBA elites into one era, on the same court. Interesting watch, but maybe it holds a deeper meaning?

A very interesting concept became apparent while watching the many generations of superstars ball out; stardom is not permanent nor is it guaranteed. Stars rise and they fall; doors open and they close; designers come and they go. Every time a person dies a baby is born, a new opportunity awaits, and a legend is yet to be told. Too often our journey is clouded by doubt and derailed by the thought of impossibility, or the fear of not being chosen. We must remember that Jordan made the impossible possible, and that some of the greatest were not chosen so they chose themselves. They worked later, longer, harder, smarter, hungrier, etc.

In order to succeed we must remember to keep on pushing on. With every generation a few slots of opportunity open up for those who are ready to dream big! Are you ready to live your legend?

Random things that make your day

We're extremely grateful for all the love the Audi team has showed us in the past month! It's funny how things come together. Who would have thought the random post-it note doodles that I scratch out on pass time would end up on their Instagram! It's an honor and a blessing! Thanks for showing the little guys love! :)



standing on the shoulders of giants

In this day and age, even a ten year old can find a nice comfortable place on the shoulders of the worlds most influential people. I'm sure you've heard quotes like this before, it's been swished around and regurgitated in many forms, but retains one simple meaning; you're defined by the company you keep. For students, it wasn't long ago when your growth and progression was defined by the level of competition and commitment within your classroom. Because of the internet, this no longer holds true. The players have been multiplied by trillions, and in order to be great we must realize that the battle extends beyond the walls of our universities. You're no longer competing with lazy John who never turns in his assignments, but with BMW designers and other extremely established individuals. Social media outlets allow us to follow and expose ourselves to some of the greatest talents on earth, DO NOT take this for granted!

As a person who's extremely passionate about sketching, I've been approached by many who are looking to fine tune their drawing skills. Unfortunately, I wasn't born with a Prismacolor in hand so I went the 10,000 hour route. The only sneaky thing I did was have a few browsers open with Brook Banham, Chris Harsacky and Aaron Hughes (some of my earliest influences) sketches while I practiced. Remember, the world is your oyster. Run with giants and FUCK the boundaries! ;)


A quick update on the "Earn Your Stripes" prints! The design is finalized and we're in the processing of getting screens made. Pretty 100lb French Paper is on it's way (it won't be boring black on white). The wait is almost over! :) STRIPES_1

Projecto a Kickstarter Project

I didn't get a chance to fund this project but plan on buying a few of these bad boys to gift to family and friends. My co-worker Monica Mecchella received her tiny projecto today so I took some photos of her un-packaging the little guy. If you're not familiar with the product here is a short video about the "Projecto"




Steal Like An Artist

This little booklet by Austin Kleon highlights why ALL of our ideas are never original. Our ideas are essentially more like collections of things we've seen and love, translated. For those of you who do not have time to read this thin booklet. Here is a video he did for TEDtalks. StealLikeAnArtist_CreativeSession_Blog2